Greenbrier High School
CTAE » GHS CTAE Department

GHS CTAE Department

The Greenbrier High School Career, Technical and Agricultural Education Department offers a variety of career pathways through hands-on training. Career Pathways are state-approved career enhancement programs defined as a coherent, articulated sequence of rigorous academic and career-related courses. This sequential set of pathway courses may lead to an industry recognized certification or licensure. In addition, Work-Based Learning opportunities are available to students that meet the criteria of the program.
Arts, AV Techmnology, and Communications
  • Intro to Graphic Design
  • Adv. Graphic Design
Criminal Justice
  • Introduction to Criminal Justice
  • Criminal Justice Essentials
  • Introduction to Law and Safety
  • Forensic Science
  • Introduction to LPS
Education and Training
  • Early Chlildhood Education I
  • Early Childhood Education II
  • Early Childhood Education III
Government and Public Administration
Health Science
  • Clinical
  • Essentials to Healthcare
  • Sports Medicine
Information Technology
  • Intro to Digital Technology
  • Cybersecurity
Nutrition and Food Science
  • Food
  • Nutrition and Wellness
  • Food for Life
  • Food Science 
Brooks Smith
CCSD CTAE Director
John Singleton
Department Chair
Tim Perry
CCSD Work-Based Learning Coordinator