Greenbrier High School

Ms. Roden's Website

I will communicate with students using Remind, email, and Google Classroom.  I will post on Google classroom what the assignments for the week are and the due dates for that week by Monday morning in the class calendar posted in Google Classroom.
My school email address is: [email protected]
The best time to contact me is during my planning period 4th period 10:19-11:06.
Please be sure to sign up for Remind 101 notifications for your respective classes:
  • AP Government - send a text to 81010: text this message: @4k7hb4
  • Economics - send a text to 81010: text this message: @b6cb83
My Class Schedule with Google Classroom Codes for 2023-2024:
  • 1st Period (AP Gov't): rsj5637
  • 2nd Period (AP Gov't): txpu6gp
  • 3rd Period (AP Gov't): tmmuggn
  • 4th Period: Planning
  • 5th Period (Economics with "A" Lunch): pxakivw
  • 6th Period (AP Gov't): e74xkxh
  • 7th Period (AP Gov't): inb2slp
Grading Calculations for all classes per 9 weeks:
  • 40% of your grade is Classroom Assignments 
  • 60% of your grade is Assessments
Helpful links and information:
AP Government 2023-2024 SY Calendar of assignments and test dates:
Economics 2023-2024 SY Calendar of assignments and test dates: