Welcome to Ms. Groombridge's Home Page!
Hi! I’m Linn Groombridge, and I am teaching Advanced Algebra and Statistical Reasoning for the 2024-2025 school year. I also work with the color guard and winter guard units at GHS and am ecstatic to continue working with them for a fourth year! GO PACK!
CONTACT: If you are trying to get in contact with me, you can email me at [email protected]. The best time to reach me is during school hours, but I will do my best to get back to you within 24 hours.
Statistical Reasoning: foqvxou
Advanced Algebra: tnm5lve
***Remind codes will be issued to students during the first week of school and will be used as primary form of communication***
1st: Statistical Reasoning
2nd: Statistical Reasoning
3rd: Advanced Algebra
4th: Planning Period
5th: Statistical Reasoning
6th: Advanced Algebra
7th: Statistical Reasoning
***To access course calendars, please click on the "Links" tab on the right and select the corresponding course***
Adv. Algebra - Syllabus
Adv. Algebra - Supplies
Each students needs to come to class prepared with the following items:
- Pencils
- College-ruled paper
- TI-84 Graphing Calculator
- Binder to store handouts and grades (can be a shared binder with another class)
- Workbook issued through the school. Students are expected to bring this to class every day and are responsible for the book if it gets lost.
Stat Reasoning - Syllabus
Stat Reasoning - Supplies
Each students needs to come to class prepared with the following items:
- Binder to store handouts and grades (at least 1" recommended)
- Pencils
- Paper
- TI-30XS MultiView OR TI-84 Graphing Calculator