Supply List
All classes - Pencils, highlighters, pens, notebook, binder, A CALCULATOR (any will work)
AMDM ONLY - TI-84CE Graphing Calculator - Please make sure to get this model (color of your choice) or the Python version (slightly more expensive but very worth the price - students can use this throughout HS and College). You can also check out a graphing calculator from the Media Center but you will have to provide your own AAA batteries (x4).
Geometry ONLY - Geometric compass, Black EXPO dry erase marker
Geometry B ONLY - Composition notebook, colored pencils OR pens OR highlighters (x4)
**Donations: tissues, wet wipes, paper towels, pencils**
Geometry Calendar - also posted in Google Classroom
Geometry B Calendar - also posted in Google Classroom
AMDM Calendar - also posted in Google Classroom
Google Classroom codes
Geometry: 735izwo (that is the letter o NOT a zero)
AMDM: 7j3f4n7
Geometry B: g6osqqo (those are the letter o NOT zeros)
How to contact Mrs. Hilyard
Students: Please contact Mrs. Hilyard through Remind or send an email. When there is an issue, the student should be the person to contact Mrs. Hilyard. Students are automatically added to my Remind through Infinite Campus. Be sure your notifications are turned on (either by email or cell phone). You MUST login with your school credentials. I will not provide a code for a personal Remind Account.
Emails and Remind messages will be read and replied to from 8am-4pm and within 24 hours. Mrs. Hilyard will be available on Remind & by emails each day Mon-Thur to answer questions and help troubleshoot any technology issues. Student tutoring is available TBD for Geometry 2:45-3:30. Send Mrs. Hilyard a Remind message or speak to me directly to schedule an assessment after school. There will also be a department wide tutoring schedule posted on the math bulletin board. Feel free to go to any of the Geometry teachers any day of the week for tutoring.
All daily assignments and Class notes will be managed in Google Classroom through my daily calendar (you do not need a code to join Google Classroom, you are automatically entered through IC). You will not be submitting through Google Classroom, but using it more as an information and organization tool. You will find weekly learning plans, links to important resources, and solutions to notes and homework all in Google Classroom in my daily calendar. IF YOU ARE ABSENT check the calendar to look over what you missed, you are responsible for all information, blank copies of notes will be available in class also. Any handouts will be available on the front table in the classroom.
Parents: Please contact Mrs. Hilyard via Remind or email only after your child has had their own correspondence with Mrs. Hilyard via Remind or email. Please feel free to join the Remind class as well so that you see important announcements. The students will be managing their learning through Google Classroom, so if you want to see the list of upcoming assignments, you will need to ask them to open their Google Classroom for you.
Class Schedule
1st pd - Geometry
2nd pd - Geometry
3rd pd - Geometry B
4th pd - Planning
5th pd - Advanced Mathematical Decision Making (C lunch)
6th pd - Advanced Mathematical Decision Making
7th pd - Geometry
Grading Procedures
In Columbia County Schools, each semester is a grading period. The structure of how grades are calculated is by semester = your semester grade will fluctuate all semester long for the entire 18 weeks. Credit will be awarded at the end of the semester. There are 2 semesters in a school year. Unique to GHS math courses, if you fail one semester, you will not be allowed to continue in the math sequence of classes until you pass that course by retaking it the next semester or in summer school.
Your semester grade will be calculated as 50% from assessments and 40% from assignments and 5% for each benchmark.
For Geometry:
1st semester breakdown is 50%-40%-5%-5% (Module assessments - Assignments - Quarter 1 Benchmark - Quarter 2 Benchmark). 2nd semester breakdown is slightly different 55%-5%-40% (Unit assessments - Assignments - Quarter 3 Benchmark).
You will need to maintain good daily work habits so that your assignment category (in-class work, Delta Math assignments, DESMOS, ALEKS assignments and such) is high as well as help to prepare for assessments (quizzes and tests and Benchmarks). Each test will be worth twice as much as a quiz.
Both semesters will be calculated as 60% from assessments and 40% from assignments. Each test will be worth twice as much as a quiz.
All classes:
Reassessment policy:
Tests can be reassessed after you have competed the required reassessment assignment. The deadline to reassess is BEFORE the next in-class assessment. If you reassess, your max grade will only be replaced up to a 90%. Quizzes are not reassessed, they can be replaced with the original test scores that assess the same standards up to a 90%.
**80% of your grade comes from your semester average and 20% is the semester exam**
A 90-100%
B 80-89%
C 73-79%
D 70-72%
F below 70%
Please see the Columbia County assessment procedure for more details.
Availability for tutoring/retesting
Student tutoring for Geometry is available TBD for Geometry 2:45-3:30. AMDM tutoring is available also, please speak with me about a convenient time.
I am available any morning (except Thursday) and Mon/Wed after school until 3:30.
Send Mrs. Hilyard a Remind message to let me know you are coming in the a.m. for a pass. There will also be a department wide tutoring schedule posted on the math bulletin board. Feel free to go to any of the subject teachers for tutoring.